Yesterday I had lunch with quite a few doctors of chiropractic at my continuing education class. I was fortunate enough to sit by Dr. Michael Miller from Norwood, MA. Dr. Miller was wearing a ring that looks just like the one in the picture. I could tell by looking at him that it wasn't likely that he was a player on the Patriots any time recently (no offense intended, he is in great shape). Dr. Miller must have read my mind and informed me he is the team chiropractor for the New England Patriots! Then he let me hold the ring. Cool.
Since this would seem like every sports chiropractor's dream job I asked a few more questions. He told me that while all NFL teams have a team chiropractor, not all teams require players to get their spines checked. He said he is much busier than some NFL chiropractors because the Patriots require certain players get adjusted. Seems like the Patriots might know what they are doing.
The world's top athletes often attribute their performances to help from chiropractors. Recently (before the knee injury) Derek Rose made mention on national TV how his chiropractor helped him (see video HERE.) They already know that an adjustment will increase optimal performance and function.
If the world's top athletes see the need to get adjusted, don't you think you might have one too?
I do know if I'm ever going to win a Super Bowl, it is going to be by helping the athletes on the field perform like champions.
p.s. The picture below is where the convention was held at Boca Raton Resort and Club. It was amazing and I didn't even stay there! Wish I would have got a picture of the ring on my finger...