Here are three of the more common factors that can contribute to headaches:
1. Sleep Problems. If you’re having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, it’s very possible you just aren’t getting enough sleep. You may be suffering from insomnia, which could be stress induced. You may also be suffering from sleep apnea, a condition where you stop breathing during sleep. Usually a person will wake up when this occurs, but not always. This can be a very dangerous condition. This disruptive sleep pattern is enough to bring on fatigue and headaches.
2. Not Eating Often Enough. If you are skipping meals or going too long in between meals, then you may find yourself with a headache and perhaps loss of appetite. While not a healthy habit, it is not difficult to break. If you are going longer than 3 or 4 hours in between meals/snacks during your waking hours, then it’s too long. Make sure you are getting a good balance of proteins, whole grains and fruits and vegetables. If you find yourself needing a snack at work or while you’re out, get into the habit of packing something portable like some whole grain crackers and string cheese. I almost always carry almonds with me just in case I'm hungry and short on time.
3. Caffeine Withdrawal. If you’re trying to give up caffeine, you will likely find yourself with a headache within 12-24 hours of quitting depending on how much and how often you have consumed caffeine. You may also be experiencing difficulty sleeping, lethargy and agitation.
Whatever your cause for a headache, you can usually find some relief from sleep, relaxing in a dark quiet room or perhaps a alternating between a cool and warm compress. A visit with your chiropractor can help you determine what the best course of treatment will be for you.
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